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6 Steps to Staying Centered in the Middle of Social & Political Unrest

When it's hard energetically, emotionally and spiritually to function:

1. Lean into your spiritual practice

When we do this, we're tuning in, breathing more deeply, we're grounding, and it can be comforting, uplifting, strengthening.  It can bring peace and a feeling of stability.

If we forget or get lazy, then it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Oils to Help:  Peace and Sandalwood

2.  Just breathe!  When we're stressed, it can be hard to breathe.  We may hold our breath, or feel like our breathe is constricted because of so much tension that builds up in our body.

Oils to Help:  Breathe.  This is a great oil to support the breath and release inner tension.  It can bring us back to a centered, calm place.

3.  Bring the body back to Balance by stabilizing your emotions.

Oils to Help:  Balance.  It "evens the playing field," and it makes you feel better.

4.  Eliminate the sludge. Be selective and intentional about who you talk with and who you connect with, what you read and listen to, the conversations you engage in.

Pay attention to how you feel.  If you read a headline and it makes you feel bad, quit reading headlines!  If you notice your anxiety increases as you're reading posts on FB, reduce or eliminate your FB time.

If we don't, we stay in this "frenetic state" that is stressful!  Seek out those who are uplifting.  And likewise, be uplifting yourself!

Oils to Help:  Wild Orange.  Wild Orange helps to release fear and promotes joy, upliftment and positivity.

5.  Pay attention to how your feeling - check in with your emotions- and apply the needed oil.

Oils to Help:  Motivate for encouragement.  Cheer to lift depression and energize you

6.  Take time to decompress daily!!!


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