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Feel Better With


Acupuncture for pain, including Arthritis, Neck and Back Pain, Hip Pain, Headaches and Migraines

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

(click to watch video)

Kristin brings 20 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture for Pain Relief to Foundational Healing & Sport Clinic in Meridian

MSOM - Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine
L.Ac. - Licensed Acupuncturist, Idaho Lic# ACU-363
Dipl. Ac. - NCCAOM - Nationally Certified (acupuncture)

*Now Accepting Insurance:  Blue Cross, Regence, Anthem & Veterans with Whole Health

Call for an Appointment:  (208) 376-3113

Acupuncture in Meridian ID - 1899 E Overland Rd, Meridian, ID 83642

Are you a new patient?

Please download and fill out the intake form and bring it with you to your first acupuncture appointment.

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Acupuncture For Pain:

Low Back Pain

Sciatica, Hip Pain

 Frozen Shoulder

Arthritis & Joint Pain



Migraine Headache

Emotional Imbalance

Stress, Anxiety


Dizziness & Vertigo

Seasonal Cold/Flu


Did you know Acupuncture has been found to be 52% MORE EFFECTIVE than the standard of care in Western Medicine for Chronic Pain, including Arthritis, Neck and Back Pain, Headaches and Migraines?

In most cases, you experience pain relief and healing time is reduced one-quarter to one-half that of conventional care alone.

*Study done over 6 years with 18,000 participants by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and published September 10, 2012.

Who I Work With:

I work with men and woman of all ages, from 18 - 92, teens & children too.

What I Treat:

Acupuncture for PAIN:  I love to help people who are in pain:  old injuries, post surgery recovery, chronic and acute pain, low back pain, hip pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, neck pain, knee pain, nerve pain, joint pain, numbness, neuropathy, migraine headache, PMS and menstrual pain, abdominal pain, muscle tension and more.

STRESS & EMOTIONS:  Acupuncture is excellent for stress, anxiety, depression, emotional imbalance and PMS.  It relieves inner tension and takes you out of fight-or-flight mode. It's excellent to promote deep relaxation and restful sleep.

IMMUNE SUPPORT:  Believe it or not, acupuncture is excellent to fight off colds and viruses.  The best time to come in is at the first sign of symptoms.  Sometimes people are reluctant to come when feeling sick because they don't want me to get sick.  But I've got tools to stay well and seeking out acupuncture when you are feeling ill can drastically shorten sick time.  Acupuncture is one of my personal strategies to keeping myself and my family well during cold/flu season.  It's highly effective.

Acupuncture for Pain:

Call for an Appointment  (208) 376-3113

What to Expect:  Words from a Client...

I am 74 years old and have been to numerous acupuncturists the last 30 years for a variety of issues.  Kristin ranks at the top of the list.  In a time when authentic, effective, natural healing is more needed than ever before, Kristin stands ready. 

Kristin starts with a thorough history in order to understand not only the manifestation of the discomfort, but also the possible origins.  Addressing the symptoms (pain) will provide immediate relief.  Addressing the origin(s), which is often more difficult, is apt to provide a more complete positive response.

The acupuncture session itself is extremely professional and relaxing.  I often fall asleep.  Aside from her immense technical acupuncture skills, Kristin has one quality that is both impossible to learn or for a school to teach.  That quality is sincere compassion.  It flows from her heart out through her voice and hands during treatment.  I feel listened to and cared for.

I recommend Kristin most highly for anyone considering acupuncture treatment.

-Glen Walton

Why I do Acupuncture

I have always been passionate about natural health and after my first two years of college, I knew I wanted to study herbs but I didn't know where to go...  A friend recommended I study acupuncture (which included herbs) so I could obtain credentials in herbology. 

At that point in my life, I knew nothing about acupuncture, was recently divorced and struggling with depression, and I desperately needed direction and purpose in my life.  My doctor wanted to put me on an antidepressant - which I was unwilling to try, so I opted for acupuncture instead. 

In one treatment, my situational depression lifted so much it amazed me, and I enrolled to study Oriental Medicine.  A whole new world of possibility revealed itself as I got well and began to help others get well too.  Soon it was clear to me that I had found "my calling." 

Over the last 20 years as a licensed practitioner I have fine-tuned my craft and followed my inner guidance, leading to the offering of additional services:  Essential oils & Heart Healing.  What I love best is helping a client get results.  I specialize in treating physical pain, emotions and stress management.  


The results that I've achieved in a short time working with Kristin have been amazing.  She is thorough and professional.

-Janet-Lee Scura Halish


jane lee halish

Acupuncture Works!

The American College of Physicians (ACP) now RECOMMENDS ACUPUNCTURE for Pain: for Acute, Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain as FIRST LINE TREATMENT, Before Drugs.

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Hip Pain      

I had been experiencing hip pain from my SI joint down my left leg for a few months.  After just a couple of acupuncture treatments with Kristin, the pain was gone.  Acupuncture seemed a bit scary at first but turns out, it's relaxing and healing on a deep level and now it's my favorite treatment. -Teresa Linder  

Back Pain


I am a 58-year-old man who has suffered from back pain for over 20 years sometimes to the point of not being able to walk across a room. I sought out relief from chiropractic medicine, epidural injections and physical therapy and even consulted with a neurosurgeon. Then through the advice of a friend, I gave acupuncture an opportunity prior to surgery.  After 2 sessions I was functioning again. Acupuncture and the “idea of all those needles” may seem scary, but during most sessions I went to sleep and experienced very little to no discomfort compared to the great relief. It took several sessions each with longer lasting relief. I now have NO PAIN.  I have and would recommend acupuncture to anyone with chronic pain. Kristin was very professional, listened to my concerns and pain complaints and then went to work on resolving them. It was always a pleasure to visit with Kristin and feel better after a treatment. -Ken Killingsworth  

Shoulder Pain

Kristin is a skilled and gentle healer. One of the things I love most about her is that she combines her own knowledge, intelligence, and skills with the guidance of the Spirit to guide her treatments. I've been suffering from chronic pain in my shoulder blade for close to 10 years. In two sessions with Kristin, the pain has almost completely disappeared. If you have suffered from chronic pain and haven't received relief from either traditional medicine or chiropractic treatment, give Kristin a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed. -Sheri Thornton  

Migraine Headache

My migraines start with the optical  aura and sharp sparkly lights that impede my vision.  Then comes pain and pressure in my head, neck and ears, usually accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to lights, sounds and smells.  But the most challenging aspect is that my mental cognition goes way down during and after a migraine.   When I came to my first appointment with Kristin, I had started with a migraine about an hour prior.  She wasted no time starting the acupuncture!  She placed the 1st few needles and asked if my symptoms were starting to ease, which they were slightly.   She placed more needles and asked again about my symptoms. At that point the symptoms were increasing and so she removed the 2nd set of needles and the symptoms began to decrease once again.  She let me rest comfortably for a bit and then rechecked. At that point, many symptoms were gone except the nagging ache at the base of my skull. She placed needles right where they needed to be and I rested more.  At the end of the session, every symptom was gone! GONE!! However, I knew the real test would be in the next 24 hours...But to my shock, relief and gratitude,  ZERO residual pain, pressure or sensitivity. Plus, my mental cognition never changed! What a profound healing experience from a knowledgeable and gifted practitioner! -Amy Beloved  


I first came to see Kristin to relieve physical pain.  I've had varying degrees of arthritis pain in my neck/shoulder area and hips for many years.  After my first session with Kristin I was a 100% believer and agreed to a series of treatments to bring even greater wellness. Kristin is thorough and very knowledgeable.  No matter which ailment I arrived with, whether physical or emotional, she was able to bring relief.  I would highly recommend acupuncture to anyone with a chronic or even temporary issue.  It's not magic; it is true medicine. -Gail Eltgroth  

Elbow Pain

My elbow had been REALLY hurting for about a month (tennis elbow). Today I went to see Kristin and had her work acupuncture magic on it and it feels AMAZING!  I haven't had this little pain in over a month and I have a lot more range of motion back. I have 2 more sessions with her and I have every hope of this being fully healed! God is good! -Susan McNeil Godfrey    

Life Transformation (neuropathy, alcohol addiction, weightloss)

When I met Kristin I had been having issues with excessive weight gain and I just didn't feel well.  I also had an alcohol problem and drank a lot.  For about 25 years I was a heavy drinker and I was bloated up with large belly and felt miserable.   I had never tried acupuncture before and was a little skeptical and very nervous!  But Kristin put me at ease!  She listens to you and discusses your issues, is very caring and talks to you about what you want to accomplish with acupuncture.  I always felt comfortable and afterwards was always pleased with the results!  I suffered from neuropathy in my feet caused by drinking too much. That was the first thing I noticed that was getting better!  I had more feeling in my feet after about a month of sessions.  She helped me work to quit drinking alcohol and I accomplished that with acupuncture!  I felt like I was being heard and the treatments that were used on me were always effective.  I started losing lots of weight and my large stomach disappeared.  I chose to eat healthier, drink water and cut out bread and beer.  With the help of Kristin, of her understanding, listening, and her knowledge of Chinese Medicine as well as essential oils, I feel much better.  She fine-tuned my sessions to me and what was needed for my body!  I recommend Kristin and acupuncture to anyone that wants to better their life, treat certain ailments or just for relaxation and to get your head together.  Through acupuncture I learned what my body needs and what I need to do to make it better and to feel better.  And no, it doesn't hurt.  Quite the opposite! My experience with acupuncture was wonderful.   -Dede Taylor  

Post Surgery Nerve Damage & Pain

My name is Simone DuBose. In August of 2012 I was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Parosteal Osteosarcoma. It was a mass the size of a softball growing out of one of my ribs on my right side. The surgery consisted of removing not only the mass, but half of my sternum, an inch of my clavicle and half or more of each of 4 ribs. They then had to replace the missing ribs and sternum creating a mesh replacement piece. This surgery left me with severe nerve damage on the back of my shoulder and arm, under and on my right breast and even more severe pain inside my chest. There is no way to describe how bad I've felt every day since the surgery.   I have been on every pain medicine you can think of. I've tried compound creams, topical ointments, pain patches and steroid injections. While the pain pills did help for a few hours, it still never lasted. Once a month I would have to go back to my pain management doctor and we would start from square one again to try and figure out a pain solution.  I started to become depressed because I was constantly in pain. Life just wasn't enjoyable. Well this is where Kristin Planinz comes in.   Honestly, upon meeting Kristen I felt a connection. I was completely comfortable and completely trusting that she could fix me.  I think about after my 3rd or 4th treatment is when I REALLY started noticing the changes! I hadn't felt this good in over 2 years!  I was able to sleep soundly, I had NO chest pain upon waking, and my nerve pain had lessened drastically from a 9 to a 3 on a scale of 1-10.   I've had a series of 12 sessions and am HIGHLY satisfied. I wish I would've known about this sooner. I still don't know how to act now that my chest is FEELING SO GOOD! I know that no case is the same, but I have no doubts that given some time and a positive outlook, Kristin can improve your pain.   A few things I really appreciated about Kristin: she truly cares and tries to understand your unique situation. She doesn't just go with a program, she digs, catering her treatment to YOUR needs. She goes above and beyond. Even as far as your mental health, how you're feeling the day you come in (depression, anxiety, PMS, etc). She will add that into your treatment and you will leave feeling like a million bucks.  I can't thank her enough for being able to help me through acupuncture and Chinese herbs!  -Simone DeBose    

Low Back & Joint Pain

I was looking for answers, hope, something besides traditional methods.  I wanted all natural with only good side effects. That's when Kristin showed up in my life, and I was invited to an Essential Oil Class she was hosting. I trusted she knew what she was talking about since she was an Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbs were her expertise. But I knew I was NOT going to see her for acupuncture because I did not like needles and was very skeptical.

I started on the oils first and with great delight I was getting relief, but needed more tools to help my body recover.  I had been in pain (low back and joints) 24/7 for months so I was willing to try everything at this point.  After just one session I could feel the difference immediately and with each session I got better and better.

I love how Kristin can tune into your body using her experience in both oils and acupuncture for the best outcome possible. I do recommend Kristin for whatever health issues you may have, even if you think there is no hope and you have "tried" everything....

-Kelly Groves

Do You Take Insurance?


We now accept the following insurance: 

  • Blue Cross of Idaho
  • Regence
  • Anthem
  • Veterans with Whole Health



Call for an Appointment:  (208) 376-3113